Lean IT
“An IT organization is expected to “align with the business.” That is, IT is supposed to enable business performance and innovation, improve service levels, manage change, take advantage of emerging technologies, and maintain quality and stability, all while steadily reducing operating costs. Yet when an enterprise begins a lean transformation, too often the IT department is either left out or viewed as an obstacle. What is to be done?”
Kérd egyedi árajánlatunkat az info@lean.org.hu e-mail címen! A könyvek árát légiposta és vám is terheli. Ezek pontos mértéke a megrendelés nagyságától függ, ezért kérjük, minden esetben add meg a kiválasztott könyvek pontos címét, a megrendelni kívánt példányszámot, a megrendelő adatait, a számlázási és szállítási címet. Az ajánlatban tájékoztatunk a végösszegről, illetve a megrendeléshez tartozó aktuális árfolyamról. Megrendelésed csak ennek visszaigazolása után lesz aktív.
An IT organization is expected to “align with the business.” That is, IT is supposed to enable business performance and innovation, improve service levels, manage change, take advantage of emerging technologies, and maintain quality and stability, all while steadily reducing operating costs. Yet when an enterprise begins a lean transformation, too often the IT department is either left out or viewed as an obstacle. What is to be done?
Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Transformation shares practical tips, examples, and case studies to help you establish a culture of continuous improvement to deliver IT operational excellence and business value to your organization. Complete with Chapter Objectives and Endnotes to help you along the way, this new title:
- Provides the first comprehensive and definitive resource on Lean IT
- Offers tools, methods, and metrics supported by practical examples and case studies
- Addresses the intersection of Lean, Six Sigma, and Information Systems
- Illustrates how to apply the principles of Lean to IT operations to achieve improved quality and performance
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